Emails I've Sent (This
section will be under indefinite construction as new Emails are added)
The following are selected Emails I have sent to various interested
or concerned parties. They contain much of the material that would later be incorporated into THE ANSWER, found on this site.
ask the reader to please excuse the occassional tone of arrogance or cynicism, especially when discussing the medical community.
It was never meant to be directed at the doctors themselves but rather arose out of the frustration of seeing that most of
what I had discovered in my research over the past years was not even close to common knowledge among practitioners of medicine.
I had to constantly remind myself that before I began this project, I too was totally ignorant of what would be the most important
discovery of my life and profession...the role of certain foods in the pathogenesis of the diseases that plague us all.
being said, the reader is asked to put the most emphasis on what is said, not the tone used. Many of these letters went to
people with which I could be informal and afford to let my hair down a bit.
----- Original Message ----- From: dogtorj To: Jen XXXXX Sent: Thursday,
March 28, 2002 10:45 AM Subject: Soy and other problem foods
Dear Mrs. Keller,
Dr. Adkins is like most outspoken people in this world...he is partially right.
Yes, he is correct in suggesting that people avoid carbohydrates, starches in particular, yet he turns right around and tells
his readers to eat all they want of the number one human allergen...cowmilk. Therefore, he is only partly right.
vegetarian does the same thing. However, most of their objections to animal products fall into two categories: those that
have been driven by the misconceptions of the medical industry, including incorrectly linking saturated fats from animal consumption
to atherosclerosis and those that correctly point out the chemical and hormonal residues in those same meats. Once again,
partially right.
What everyone needs to understand is that the problem with foods is very complex, BUT we keep coming
back to the same foods as the real culprits in immune-mediated diseases and ultimate immune failure. These foods fall into
two categories: dairy products and grains (grasses). The number one human allergen according to the FDA is cowmilk, followed
by wheat. 4th is soy, then corn and on down the line. What are the grains/grasses? Wheat, barley, corn, soy, rice and oats.
That just happens to be the list from worst to best except for the placement of soy. It is the worst of the worst and will
be the third plague on this country behind wheat and cowmilk.
Only those three "foods"...casein, gluten, and soy...produce
the devastating conditions of food intolerance. Allergies are only the tip of the tip of the iceberg here. These proteins
turn to a form of glue in our gut (casein and gluten are used as industrial waterproof adhesives) and coat our duodenum as
they leave the stomach. In doing so, they effectively reduce the absorption of other nutrients that are absorbed in this are
of the gut. What are they? Calcium, iron, iodine, all water soluble vitamins, minerals, and some fat soluble vitamins.
Now do you get an idea why iron deficient anemias, some thyroid problems, and osteoporosis are huge in those countries with
the most dairy consumption. This is a physical fact and happens to everyone who eats them. Imagine those three slices of pizza
in you or stomach and "glue" they produce.
However, in the worst case scenario, like me, our body mounts an immune
response to the "glue". This is the foundation for celiac disease, casein intolerance, and soy intolerance. Now you have villous
destruction/atrophy that takes years to repair. What about the other foods listed. They do to it lesser degrees based on their
stickiness, if you will. As you go down the list of human (and veterinary) allergens and problem foods , you see this principle
at work, don't you.
But that's just the beginning of foods problems. These problems fall into three categories: immune
related, physical properties, and chemical composition. Immune problems are things like allergens and the immune response
to the "glue" which is mediated by other antibodies than IgE. The second group we just covered to an extent...the glue coating
of the gut leading to malabsorption. The third category includes the proteins and other components of the food that also do
harm. The amino acid glutamate, for example, is one of the two our brain uses for neurological stimulation. "We" (not me)
use it as a specific neuro stimulator in MSG (monosodium glutamate) to stimulate the nerves in our taste buds to make them
more sensitive to taste so that foods taste better, right? What happens when it gets in your brain? First, in high quantity
it is neurotoxic. It kills brain cells. Evidence? MSG is notorious for causing migraines. Excess glutamate in nerve synapses
is also the underlying pathology in Lou Gehrig's Disease. Glutamate is neurotoxic when in excess of what the body needs. It
is why...get this...all of my canine epileptic patients...ALL OF THEM...have stopped having seizures once glutamate foods
were eliminated. BELIEVE IT. IT IS TRUE. It is also working in humans. YES IN HUMANS I KNOW.
What are the glutamate
containing foods. Yes, the same guys we have been talking about. Dairy and all grains are loaded with glutamate. That's why
my fibromyalgia of 1.5 years disappeared within 1 month of going off all wheat. Many chronic pain sufferers would feel infinitely
better if they knew that they were consuming the ingredient that was sensitizing their brain with every bite of every meal
of the American diet.(What are the first three letters of the word diet? Hmm....) Dairy has another pain ingredient. It is rich
in arachadonic acid, the precursor to prostaglandin. As you may know, prostaglandin is the chemical mediator of pain in the
tissue. Most of your NSAIDS are prostaglandin blockers. So, if you take your Advil with a glass of it even.
else is in category three?? Estrogens (soy is he "winner" here). Finally, at the end of the twentieth century, doctors
are finally waking up to the fact that estrogen is the culprit in breast cancer. Halleluiah. Veterinarians have known it
for years. The problem is that they have been telling the public, especially women, that estrogen replacement therapy helps
prevent osteoporosis and heart disease. Now they know that they have been horribly wrong about this. The only real thing estrogens
do in post menopausal women is horribly increase their risk of breast cancer. HORRIBLY. That's why women go through menopause.
Without it, the "toxic" levels of estrogen for the aging body would cause it in HUGE numbers of women.
What other foods
are rich in estrogen? You guessed it. It's the same guys again, dairy and all grains. Dairy is HUGE, in fact it is the single
most important source of excess estrogen in women (and men). The countries with the highest milk consumption have the highest
rate of breast cancer: Scandinavian countries first, then the US. Asian women have a 7 times lower rate, NOT because they
eat soy but because THEY DON'T DRINK COWMILK. They are all 100% lactose intolerant (which is NORMAL, folks) and they don't
drink milk. None of their 110 year old women fall down and break their hip, either. Asian men have a 15 times lower rate of
prostate cancer and even our own medical sites attribute this to our consumption of dairy products. The fact is, the Asian
women would have a 15 times lower rate of breast cancer if they DIDN'T eat the soy. Got it?
This is truly the tip of
the tip of the tip of the iceberg. This is just to try to get your head turned around and toward the truth. The misconceptions
out there are incredible. Everyone has had a glimpse of the truth and has it partially right. I am learning more and more
everyday. BUT, it all keeps coming back to same food groups. Who could argue against fruits, vegetables, and select animal
proteins (mostly fish, poultry, and limited red meat) as a diet, other than those vegetarians that are philosophically against
meat eating. Everyone seems to know that the starches are bad. But why??? Now you have a glimpse of why. The only immune-inert
starch is the potato. Allergies to this are rare and limited to those who are also allergic to rubber, interestingly enough.
They are the only starch we've discussed NOT in the grain/grass family.
Humans have made a few fatal mistakes in what
we chose to eat. Picking the grasses was one thing. What we subsequently did to them in changing them over time (we basically
hybrided them to OUR death) was another. Choosing cowmilk over the universal foster milk...goat milk...was another HUGE mistake.
But, SOY IS THE WORST OF ALL. SOY WILL BE THE THIRD PLAGUE, behind wheat and cowmilk. Pay attention and watch it happen. However,
it will be a "stealth plague" of sorts. Of the three serious intolerances (wheat, cowmilk and soy), it is the least likely
to have the allergic antibody...IgE... formed against it. Blood tests for soy allergy will be falsely negative for those who
are experiencing soy-related problems. This is a FACT in the medical literature. Once again, read about this on Dr.Mercola's
site at . Just put "soy" in his search engine provided and look for
his "soy links" page. He has done a phenomenal job of amassing data on this topic.(
Time to wake up, Jen. It's a painful process
sometimes, but well worth it.
J. (read The Answer- to "Why is the plane
of our nation's health in a death spiral?"
Email #2
----- Original Message ----- From: dogtorj To: Scott XXXXX Sent: Monday,
February 25, 2002 6:44 PM Subject: H.Pylori and Atherosclerosis
Just thought I'd bore you with some of my latest research. All roads do lead to food
intolerance one way or another, I'm you know.
The latest, and most fascinating is the number one killer
of Americans...cardiovascular disease. 44% of American deaths (and climbing) are due to strokes and heart attacks (atherosclerosis).
Both of my parents have it. A person every 3.4 secs dies of it in the U.S.
The cause?? It's a complex picture, but
easily enough sorted out. It's kind of like the old Kevin Bacon joke...that you can relate all movies back to him one way
or another. It's the same with food. Between wheat, dairy, soy, corn, and hydrogenated oils, and the maldigestion and malabsorption
they cause, most things can be explained, can't they?
In athersoclerosis, the new buzz-word is homocysteine. These
levels rise with the incidence of atherosclerosis and can be lowered in many cases with additional B-vites and folate. Why
are these people down in B vitamins?? Could they be malabsorbing. Uh Huh. Both celiacs and casein intolerants will be down
in these, won't they? Have you read much about homocysteine? Just put it in your search engine and "go". You can read forever
on it.
Next tid-bit...the article below. This is fascinating. They have now found a very high rate of H.Pylori in atherosclerotic
plaques. They come from stomach ulcers, primarily. Sooo, "heart burn" takes on a whole new meaning, huh? NOW, we understand
why so many people who have chronic indigestion end up with heart attacks, and that "in retrospect, the chronic stomach problems
were actually a sign of heart disease". You've read or heard that right? How freakin' ridiculous can you get?? UNLESS, you
understand that the ulcers in your stomach (and there are real ulcers. It's not JUST your heart!!!) contribute the H.pylori
to the plaques and precipitate a coronary. Now that makes sense, right?
Where did those stomach ulcers come from? Stress??
Nope. "Kevin Bacon" knows...back to the food, right? Wheat and dairy intolerance are HUGE causes of chronic heart burn and
are UNDOUBTEDLY the main reason people need all those drugs they advertise for heart burn. With the American diet being 40%
dairy products and 20% wheat alone, we get a pretty good clue. My heartburn (severe) went away within the week of going off
wheat and has not returned in two years now. It is that simple.
Last piece of the puzzle (for now) is our "friend"
Mr. hydrogenated oil. He's the beast that opens the doors to tissues to all that goes wrong. He's a barrier breaker. He increases
the permeability of most natural barriers, including the wall of the artery. He IS the reason why 44% of Americans deaths
are due to this one condition and DOGS NEVER GET IT....EVER. Dogs don't get hydrogenated oils in their commercial diets. They
only get them in those chocolate sandwich cookies, potato chips, corn chips, etc that their owners give them. They have found
some plaques in dog hearts on autopsy, and their always in the "worst of the worst" breeds...Labs, Dobies, etc...bad immune
systems. Chances are, their guts are already leaking like sieves. They are universally wheat and dairy intolerant, I think.
why are we here in the South in the "stroke belt"?? There was a big article in last weeks paper about that and they said they
didn't know why that occurs. Yeah, right. If it's not deep fat fried in the South, "it ain't worth puttin' on the plate."
Could it be all of those hydrogenated oils are catching up with us?? You don't have to a, you don't even have
to be figure that one out, do you?
Just thought I'd ramble at you a bit. I still check your site regularly
and refer many people there. Great job, man.
Dogtor J.
P.S. Are you familiar with ?? Did I ask
you that before?? It is a fabulous site. Check it out. Here's the News clip:
February 23, 2001 Helicobacteria
pylori found in atherosclerotic lesions
The February 2001 issue of Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association
published the results of a study in which atherosclerotic lesions were examined and the majority found to contain the bacteria
H pylori, a known cause of stomach ulcers. Recent evidence has implicated inflammation and possible infection as playing causative
roles in atherosclerotic vascular disease, with Chlamydia pneumoniae, herpes simplex 1 and 2, hepatitis A, cytomegalovirus
and H pylori diagnosed more often in people with atherosclerosis. Acute infections frequently precedes stroke and heart attack,
possibly acting as a trigger. While several of the above noted infectious agents have been isolated from atherosclerotic lesions,
H pylori's presence had not previously been confirmed.
Thirty-eight specimens were obtained from patients undergoing
carotid endarectomy and seven were obtained from autopsied subjects who did not have atherosclerosis of the carotid artery.
Twenty of the thirty-eight atherosclerotic plaques tested positive for H pylori while none of the nonatherosclerotic normal
carotid arteries contained the bacteria. The presence of the bacteria was not associated with previous neurologic symptoms,
vascular risk profile or age, but was more prevalent in samples taken from men than women. The authors believe that the failure
of previous studies to detect H pylori in vascular lesions was due to less sensitive methods of detection. They conclude that
infectious processes are implicated in the occurrence of cerebrovascular disease and offer three possible mechanisms of action:
first, that acute infections may precipitate ischemic events due to their effect on coagulation; second, that chronic infection
in remote sites can cause an increase in atherosclerotic load; and third, that the microorganisms themselves contribute to
atherosclerosis by their presence in the artery wall, either by initiating the plaque or furthering its progression.
----- Original Message ----- From:
dogtorj To: Scott XXXXXX Sent: Monday, February 26, 2002 6:44 PM Subject: The Dark Ages of Medicine
I may be crazy (like everyone says. HaHa),
but I believe it to be that simple. The combination of factors to produce a given illness is interesting, but you can always
trace it back to two things: diet and viruses, the latter going back to diet as well, in that, if you were healthy enough,
even the viruses wouldn't be a factor, would they?
Once one understands the full impact of the malabsorption problem
being created by gluten and casein, then that person can see the relationship of diet to just about everything. The lack of
vitamins, minerals, and trace elements sets us up for major enzyme system abnormalities, which in turn, sets in motion a cascade
of physiologic events that attempt to correct the problem in the best way possible...plan B.
This is true of our new
friend homocysteine, I believe. What is it "credited" with doing? Increasing platelet function and adherence to vessel walls,
for one. Why would it do that? Well, if you're down in B vitamins and folate, it is likely to be due to malabsorption (or
poor nutrition). If that's so, then the process has begun. What else are you down in? Pretty much "you name it". The liver
is one of the first target organs to have trouble with the lack of nutrients, vitamins, and enzyme production. It does so
much. It's knee-jerk reaction is to increase cholesterol (nature's band-aid) in the event a bleed is going to occur. Why bleeding
a risk?? Because without adequate vitamin C (huge) and others, the clotting system will have trouble, to put it in elementary
terms. So, the body helps out in other, more creative ways, like elevating homocysteine to increase clotting ability. We just
look at it as a threat rather than a normal response to other things going wrong in our body. That is why there is a stronger
correlation of homocysteine to cardiovascular disease that cholesterol, but it is still not a one-to-one type of correlation.
Cholesterol was a lousy indicator because it never was the cause, only a normal response of the body to rising blood pressure
and organ dysfunction. In the dog, cholesterol goes up with anything that causes hypertension...liver and kidney disease,
Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism, etc. Yet, we don't see athersclerosis...ever! (No hydrogenated oils).
Once you
get enough damage to blood vessels due to atherosclerosis (hydrogenated oils are HUGE here) with secondary leakage of viruses,
bacteria, and dietary glycoprotein (dairy and wheat are big here, I believe), then the main HYPERTENSION of people sets in.
Hypertension also occurs when any of the major organs are significantly damaged (liver, kidneys, or lungs) as a reflex attempt
to perfuse them better (get more blood through them). Kidney disease is the leading cause of hypertension in the pet.
back to those cholesterol and homocysteine levels. Are they causes of problems or indicators that a problem is about to occur??
NEVER FORGET THIS, SCOTT: Our body doesn't do anything wrong without a good reason. This is crucial for people to understand.
For example, fever is a GOOD thing. It is to kill viruses and bacteria or prevent them from getting out of control in the
first place, like with sterile inflammatory conditions (a.g. Lupus, et al). Stop taking the NSAIDS for a fever, I tell people.
You are just inviting the virus to come in and stay, right? We have done this all of our lives and are now paying the price.
homocysteine goes up reflexely for the same reason, it appears to me. It is preparing the body for a possible bleed, charging
up the platelets and preparing the vessel walls for adherence of those platelets. The body is just doing its job because we
aren't doing ours. Take the B vites and folate and it backs off, right? This, of course, is one of the illustrations as to
why megavitamins helped so many people...they were malabsorbing. The doctors were just looking at the idea from the blood
standpoint and they were "right" in that too many vitamins won't help. BUT, you've got to get them into the blood, right?
Celiacs need megavitamins 'til their guts heal. Doctors who poo-pooed megavitamins were just short-sighted and looking at
things from the blood side, not the gut side of things.
So what's the lesson here? Yeah, it all comes back to food
one way or another. If it's not an immunological problem it is a physical one. The casein and gluten act as physical coating
agents, at best, acting like the water-proof adhesives they are used for in industry, sticking to that wall of the duodenum
where all important vitamin and mineral absorption takes place. At worst, like in we celiacs, there is an immune response
on top of that which causes serious villous atrophy and worsened malabsorption. Can't the MDs understand that this is a very
real and extremely common phenomenon? Either or both (with or without immune response) are occurring in everyone...everyone.
That is why they tell you to take many meds on an empty stomach, right? Why is that?? Because what you are about to eat is
going to block the absorption. Eating wheat or milk is like downing a bunch of Pepto Bismol (which "coats, soothes, protects",
right?) then taking something that you want to absorb, like drugs, vitamins, or calcium, perhaps? This, of course, is why
milk (dairy) causes osteoporosis. The casein "glue" blocks the absorption of all that calcium in the dairy products. If you
are truly casein intolerant, the villous atrophy occurs, so that the more you drink, the more calcium you lose. No wonder
the U.S. has one of the highest rates of osteoporosis and we drink the most milk (except for Scandinavia. And here's a dig
for dairy related diseases. Dairy is a huge source of estrogen to women. The cholesterol in ilk is converted to estrogen in
the gut and absorbed downstream. Milk is a huge cause of gynecological problems in women, including endometriosis and cystic
ovaries. It is also HUGE in breast cancer. Who consumes the MOST dairy?...Scandinavia. Who has the highest breast cancer rate?...Scandinavia.
The U.S. is second.)
So, the basic things to remember are: 1) Your body never does anything "wrong" unless it has
a good reason to. Corollary? Don't take drugs that simply keep the body from doing its job, at least not for very long. Symptomatic
care can be helpful, even life saving, but to take drugs that keep the body from doing what it does naturally WILL end up
doing you harm. Example: Baycol (sp?) What a great idea, right. Take a drug that keeps your liver from producing normal cholesterol
to lower your cholesterol artificially, knowing that the high cholesterol is simply a symptom, not the disease, and that your
body is actually doing the right thing, because cholesterol is nature's band-aid and will help reinforce those damaged arterial
walls that are about to blow. Then, should we be surprised that Baycol induces autoimmune disease. No, not at all. One of
the other main purposes of cholesterol is to strengthen individual cell walls and keep things from entering them that shouldn't.
Once they get things in them that shouldn't be there, the immune system attacks that cell and kills it...that's called autoimmunity
and is exactly what happens to people on these drugs. Should we be surprised?? Absolutely not. Anyone with a brain can understand
what I just wrote, I think. 2) Malabsorption is happening to everyone to some degree who is eating those foods that stick
to your duodenum when they leave your stomach. These foods are the same ones...wheat (and other gluten grains), dairy, soy,
and corn and rice to a lesser degree. With the exception of dairy, they are all in the same grass family so we shouldn't be
surprised that they do the same thing. The good news is that some are worse than others and take longer to cause problems
than the worst of the worst...wheat, dairy and soy. Rice, for example, shows up late in dogs, cats and people. But, 10% of
Japanese, for example, who have any allergies at all are allergic to rice. They just chose the best of the bad grasses to
eat. We chose the worst...wheat. Native Americans chose a middle ground grass...corn. 3) Allergies are a major indicator
and NOT a malfunctioning immune system. This goes back to #1. Allergies are NOT an immune system gone haywire. The immune
system is doing exactly what it is designed to protect us. It is warning us...NO, SHOUTING AT US... to stop eating
the foods that will do us harm. They are the early warning radar system that tells us that there are ICBMs (nukes) on the
way. Ignore them and you are a dead man! All you have to do is focus on the childhood allergens. According to the FDA, in
order, the childhood allergens are cowmilk, wheat, (eggs) and soy. Why eggs in parenthesis? I believe that they are the first
secondary food allergen. As you know, people like us are incredibly prone to food allergens because of the damage the wheat
(and dairy) have done to our duodenum..the old "leaky gut". This leaky gut sets us up for secondary food allergies by allowing
dietary proteins to enter our gut in a form foreign to the immune system. So, antibodies are formed and food allergies begin.
Eggs are one of the first foods given to kids, early in life, too, so it stands to reason that eggs are a common secondary
allergen. Then, as we approach adulthood, the others come on...shellfish, tree nuts, and some fruits like banana and citrus.
Otherwise, it makes no sense at all that we would be allergic to something so essential as fruit, right? It is that simple,
once again. These same foods tell us to stop eating them in another way, too. Both wheat and dairy protein, once a small
amount enters the blood stream, feeds back to the hunger center of the brain and shuts it off. The American Dairy Association
wants to use this to an advantage by advising overweight people to eat some dairy before each meal so that they will eat less
due to reduced hunger. Amazing! Wheat does the same thing. Both also slow gut motility. Cheese is well known to be constipating.
Why? It slows the gut down tremendously. Why does it do that?? Because your body doesn't want it to get into the bloodstream.
It is doing everything it can to stop it. It shuts off your hunger center then it slows down your gut so that you will absorb
it much more slowly. It "knows" that too much in your system too quickly could cause a major problem, like an allergic reaction
perhaps?? The body is amazing, isn't it? Haven't you noticed that since you've been off bread before your meals that you can
eat so much more without feeling full or bloated? You would especially if you were off all dairy, too. 4) "Modern" medicine
is still in the Dark Ages. Bold statement but true. How can we, in the 21st century, still not understand that something as
basic as food is the probable source of our problems. The naturopaths have it right, it turns out. If there is a problem with
our body, it is because we have done something to it. We have either eaten or breathed something it doesn't like most likely.
Foreign proteins enter our body through those two main entry points, which percutaneous absorption or injection being a lesser
mode. (BUT, think of the vaccines that we volunteer for. Most are modified live viruses. What do they do when they get into
us?) Once again, if we were healthier, we wouldn't need the vaccines. So, once again, we are playing catch up, aren't we.
And that is just what medicine is all about these days...playing catch up. We need the drugs because we are so far down the
road in illness. BUT, if we could get a handle on why we became ill to begin with, we could come off the drugs with time.
At this point, the average 65 year old person is on 7-17 different medications, many of which are to counteract the side effects
of the drugs themselves. My favorite example still proves this last statement about the Dark Ages. It is the taking of
aspirin for a fever caused by a virus. All doctors, it seems, recommend this. Call any pediatrician when your child has a
fever and he will tell you to give an NSAID of some kind. Do you know how ridiculously horrible that is??? That doctor is
telling you one of three things: He is either totally ignorant of why the body produces a fever (which is doubtful). OR he
thinks he knows better than the body (which is possible),OR he's just not thinking about the fact that when you kill the fever
you allow the virus to come, you INVITE it in...and stay awhile, maybe for life, as with Epstein Barr, et al. (This
is the most likely explanation for this recommendation...ignorance). So, if they are that ignorant (which simply means unknowing)
then we are truly in the Dark Ages of medicine still, aren't we??
Scott. I know this has a bit of a cynical tone to
it. Some would even say arrogant, I'm sure. It's not really either, actually. I am just quite frustrated at times that people
are getting such misinformation or no information at all as to the origins of their conditions. I have "jokingly said that
we should just take the doctor out of the equation sometimes and just go straight to the pharmacist. It seems that we, vets
included, are of the mind that we should listen to a history and examine the patient just long enough to figure out what drug
to use. Then our job is done. The pharmaceutical companies love and encourage that approach. So why not just go to the drug
store, consult your pharmacist directly and let him prescribe the appropriate drug. At least the pharmacist can keep track
of the drugs we are on and be on the look out for interactions between them. Now that's cynical.
Keep in touch, Dogtor J.
----- Original Message ----- From: dogtorj To: Don XXXXXX Sent: Wednesday,
Jan.9 6:44 PM Subject: Fibromyalgia and foods
Dear Don,
Here is a copy of an Email someone sent to me concerning what we have been talking
about relating fibromyalgia to the same foods we have been discussing. All of the mentioned foods are rich in GLUTAMATE, that
neurostimulatory amino acid used by the central nervous system for nerve transmission. It does the same thing to the pain
center of the brain that MSG (monosodium GLUTAMATE) does to the open ended nerves in your taste sensitizes them.
Once in the brain, the glutamate goes to work on your pain center, sensitizing it to the point of inducing chronic pain in
areas that would normally become transiently uncomfortable from normal use. However, under the influence of GLUTAMATE from
the offending foods, the pain center is always supercharged and "tender" if you will. Those 18 trigger points they talk about
are simply areas that get a normal work out with daily activity and become tender only because the pain center is super sensitive.
There is nothing wrong with those sites, per sae.
Again, I had fibromyalgia (and chronic fatigue) for years, only to
have it disappear within one month of going off wheat. Others will need to go off the other glutamate-rich foods, like dairy
(casein is 20% glutamate), corn (rich in glutamate), soy (really ugly stuff; this is the other source of MSG other than wheat),
and even rice.
ALL of the "grasses" we eat (wheat, barley, corn, soy, and rice are all in the same grass family botanically
speaking) are similarly structured and loaded with glutamate. SO, it shouldn't be a surprise when we have problems with all
of them. But, wheat, dairy,and soy are clearly the "worst of the worst".
Here's the article. Notice the OTHER symptoms
that also went away. Wonder why that is?????? These foods are "amazing", aren't they?
Take care, Dogtor
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I hope you enjoyed your time here and got something important from your stay. It is
my goal to help all of mankind navigate through the jungle of medical information now available on the Internet and find the
truth about the origins of what we call "disease" as well as discover the natural solutions for these conditions.
We do have our health's destiny in our own hands more than we've ever
imagined, certainly more than most have ever been told. Think naturally and the answer will come.
Dogtor J
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Let me know what you think! It's not too late to make some changes.
Dogtor J
I would still like to hear
from you personally, though.
I used to have a nice little form in this space that would
allow readers to send me a quick comment or testimonial. Unfortunately, as the Interent goes, I started getting
50-100 junk emails through this form and had to remove it.
So, until the new Website is up and running (soon!), I will have
to ask people to formulate an Email of their own and send it. I do want to hear from you so I would really appreciate
it if you could take the time to do this.
Simply title your Email "Visitor Comment" and include your name, occupation, comment/testimonial and
return Email address (if you want to be contacted) and send it to:
dogtorj @ (Just remove the spaces on each side of the @ sign)
Please do not use this form to ask medical questions. See
the Contact section for instructions for sending DogtorJ an Email inquiry concerning a medical
Great News! will
be getting a major facelift in the very near future. Yes, the time has finally come for this homemade Website
to be taken over by someone who actually knows what they are doing. I know that you all join me in looking forward to having
the site better organized and more accessible. It'll be prettier, too!
This is taking place for a number of reasons, the most of important
of which will be revealed in the upcoming months. Yes, the book is finally in the works but there will be a
major awareness project to go along with it.
So, please stay tuned. Anyone who would like to get on my mailing list can do so by simply using the visitor's comment area (like the one above)
found at the bottom of each page.
Onward and upward!
Dogtor J