Now, for the GOOD news:
On these dietary restrictions, I just want to make one thing very
clear. We are restricting the level of glutamate and aspartate in the diet because the neurons of the brain
(and their associated supportive cells called glial cells, or astrocytes) are diseased and cannot handle the high levels of
this non-essential, neurostimulating amino acid in our typical diet. By eating what has become the Standard American Diet
(S.A.D.), we are absolutely bombarding our brain with these “excitotoxins” in the form of grains, dairy, soy,
and the rest.
But, it is the fact that the brain is unhealthy that
explains why we are seeing the syndromes such as epilepsy, ADHD, insomnia, fibromyalgia, and various neurodegenerative diseases.
I need to reemphasize this point for a number of reasons but mainly to establish why a person would develop one of these conditions
and another not while eating the same foods. There must be something that distinguishes that person from the other…and
there is…there always is. These things are covered elsewhere on the Website, but this might be a good time to
check out my newest section, Viruses-Friend or Foe?
Here’s the point: When we are in the throws of one of the excitotoxin-related
disorders, we need to reduce our consumption of the foods rich in these amino acids as much as possible. Doing so places a
big Band-Aid on the situation and yields notable and often remarkable results in a short period of time. Dogs have stopped
seizing in 24 hours. I felt noticeably better in four days. My fibromyalgia was improved in less than a week and gone
in a month.
The phenomenal thing is that the long-term recovery also comes
from the same diet. The principle reason this disease-producing cycle was set into motion to begin with was the damage effects
of the “big 4” (gluten, casein, soy, and corn) on the intestinal villi and their ability to absorb vital nutrients.
This combined with the showering of the body with exctotoxins, allergens, lectins, estrogens, and other substances from these
same foods sets us up for the disease states that follow. Once the immune system starts to suffer from the same process, we
are pretty much done.
The good news (yes, there is some good news) is that
once we are off the “big 4” long enough, the process does reverse. Imagine the benefits of your body properly
absorbing the calcium, iron, iodine, B complex, vitamin C, and trace minerals it so desperately needs. Imagine a brain, liver,
and entire body that is getting what it needs to repair and thrive and in an environment free of the top four human, dog,
and cat food allergens (cow milk, wheat, soy, and corn), which are also providing major quantities of allergens, damaging
lectins, estrogens, depressants (casomorphins/gliadomorphins), and excitotoxins. Do you think you might just start feeling
better??? (Smile)
But there’s more good news (and this is the main reason
for placing this information here on this page). Once you have recovered…your brain, liver, and immune system are back
to normal or close to it…then you can go back to eating some of those sources of glutamate and aspartate that are not
one of the “big 4”. Again, the reason for the more severe restriction of these other foods was to place a Band-Aid
on the situation- to provide relief for your ailing brain and liver (which regulates the glutamate in the bloodstream) by
reducing the load of these potentially harmful neuroactive amino acids on these unhealthy organs. Once the nervous system
and liver have recovered, most of us can go back to eating the nuts, seeds, beans, and meats that we were limiting
in the beginning.
Just remember- "Everything in moderation". Some individuals will
recover to such a degree that they could go back to eating all of the peanuts, lima beans, and steak they want without experiencing
a seizure, pain episode, or bad night's sleep. BUT, most will fall into a category somewhere in between this level of recovery
and where they were to start with, depending on several secondary factors, such how much we cheat with the "big 4", our age,
local pollution, and more. And after all, loading up on peanuts is not good for anyone. (All you need is about 6 peanuts
or almonds to get all that you need from them for the day. BUT, who does that???) Similarly, we do not need the cowboy-sized
serving of steak they throw at us at your favorite restaurant. (I have to keep telling myself that.)
So, please do not think that I am saying you cannot eat any of the
foods on the glutamate-rich list ever again. The formal name of the diet is the glutamate-aspartate restricted diet.
That is a relative term, with some individuals requiring a more severe restriction than others. But when it comes to the "big
4", I use the term elimination. If you are gluten, casein, soy, and/or corn intolerant, elimination is the key
to your optimal recovery. These are the guys that set us up for all of this mess. That is why I now "lovingly" call them the
four horsemen of the apocalypse. The effects they can have on man and animals is potentially catastrophic and hopefully
the reader now has a much better idea of why I have dedicated my life to this mission.
I hope this helps. And as always, if you need to contact me about
this vital topic, please Email me at
Dogtor J.
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I hope you enjoyed your time here and got something important from your stay. It is
my goal to help all of mankind navigate through the jungle of medical information now available on the Internet and find the
truth about the origins of what we call "disease" as well as discover the natural solutions for these conditions.
We do have our health's destiny in our own hands more than we've ever
imagined, certainly more than most have ever been told. Think naturally and the answer will come.
Dogtor J
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You can now go to the new site!
The New is done! Yes, the time has finally come for this homemade Website to go the way of the
buffalo. I know that you all join me in looking forward to using a site that is better organized and more accessible....prettier,
too! I've even corrected most of those annoying typos (I hope).
Feel free to check it out now at I am still working hard to populate all of the pages so don't worry if a link does not work. They should
all be active in the near future. In the meantime,
this current site will remain on-line until I get all of the bugs worked out.
Let me know what you think! It's not too late to make some changes.
Dogtor J
I would still like to hear
from you personally, though.
I used to have a nice little form in this space that would
allow readers to send me a quick comment or testimonial. Unfortunately, as the Interent goes, I started getting
50-100 junk emails through this form and had to remove it.
So, until the new Website is up and running (soon!), I will have
to ask people to formulate an Email of their own and send it. I do want to hear from you so I would really appreciate
it if you could take the time to do this.
Simply title your Email "Visitor Comment" and include your name, occupation, comment/testimonial and
return Email address (if you want to be contacted) and send it to:
dogtorj @ (Just remove the spaces on each side of the @ sign)
Please do not use this form to ask medical questions. See
the Contact section for instructions for sending DogtorJ an Email inquiry concerning a medical
Great News! will
be getting a major facelift in the very near future. Yes, the time has finally come for this homemade Website
to be taken over by someone who actually knows what they are doing. I know that you all join me in looking forward to having
the site better organized and more accessible. It'll be prettier, too!
This is taking place for a number of reasons, the most of important
of which will be revealed in the upcoming months. Yes, the book is finally in the works but there will be a
major awareness project to go along with it.
So, please stay tuned. Anyone who would like to get on my mailing list can do so by simply using the visitor's comment area (like the one above)
found at the bottom of each page.
Onward and upward!
Dogtor J