The Glaring Example
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001
Reply-To: Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free ListFrom: Gail
Re: Two things- Casein = kay-seen
My son will be 4 years-old in July. He was a "colicky" baby from day one. We had difficulty with breastfeeding
so he went to a bottle with regular formula. He was just "sick" all the time with the usual runny/stuffy nose and he rarely
slept and was chronically fussy.
The ped diagnosed him as "formula intolerant" and we ended up on Nutramagen. He did well and thrived on that, but
he still had some chronic upper respiratory stuff and still didn't sleep well. I just thought it was "normal" for him,
assuming some babies are simply more difficult than others. He never suffered ear infections or rashes that would tip
off a ped to something more serious.
At about 9 months when he was taking more solid foods, he seemed to get worse and then the throat infections/tonsillitis
really kicked into high gear. With mobility came new problems that seemed sensory related and then he began the self-injurious/self-mutilative
behaviour, banging his head to a bloody pulp, rubbing his skin on the carpet until raw, using sharp object to claw at his
arms and legs, etc.
They told me at 14 months that he probably had a form of autism. He was exceptionally bright so they diagnosed him
with Asperger's Syndrome, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder and possibly Tourette's
Syndrome. Ugggh!
I started journaling every breath he took and noted the dairy relation. I eliminated milk (the kind you drink) from his
diet and noticed a dramatic change in his behaviour (for the better) but the upper respiratory symptoms still persisted (I
didn't know about "hidden" dairy then). So with this evidence I had to fight my way to an allergist. The insurance
company was a big pain.
Finally at age 2 we got to an allergist and discovered he was allergic to alpha-lactalbumin (one of the proteins found
in whey). We totally eliminated all dairy from his diet and he's been "normal" ever since. It completely changed
our lives.